Do you like Halloween?

If you like Halloween, you are not alone. The popularity has increased for Halloween every year and is only second to Christmas, according to many experts. Who would have ever guessed that vampires, witches,  scary ghosts, and candy could compete with Santa Claus and toys? Halloween is also very popular for retail spending accounting for about 17 million of consumer purchases. So, since Halloween is so popular, consider having a little bit of fun with it, and use the tricks, treats and costumes as a backdrop for some of your own advertising.

Terminix Mosquito & Vampire - Halloween Social Media Posts

Mosquito Vs Vampire Halloween Social Media Post

Have you ever heard of mosquitoes being called “blood suckers?” The team had also heard these pests being called this name, and it also reminded us of another notorious blood sucker – The Vampire. In this playful cartoon advertisement, we had a little bit of fun with the competing blood suckers. The real mosquito says, “I vant to drink your blood!” and in response, the cartoon-like vampire says, “Hey, that’s my line!” Of course, the Terminix Pest Control logo, phone number and website are part of this fun social media ad.

Spooktacular Sale –  Social Media Video Post

Do you have a sale coming soon? It is so hard to stand out on television or on the internet. There are so many videos, posts, and blogs that bombard potential consumers. So, how do you make your sale different from all others? Don’t worry, you can have a little bit of help from Halloween. In this Texas Paint & Wallpaper commercial, the team went all out.  From the Vampire Voice to the Skeleton jamming on the piano, every Halloween detail was added even down to the title of the sale – The Spooktacular sale. Plus, the script was creatively written to not only sell the details of the sale, but also had the added benefit of entertaining viewers with rhymes. As a result, whether or not a person even needed paint or wallpaper at that time, they would share the video with friends helping to promote the Spooktacular Texas Paint & Wallpaper Fall Sale.

AC Ambulanace - Scariest thing on Halloween - Halloween Social Media Posts

The Scariest Thing Ever Halloween Social Media Post

There are many things that scare people during Halloween. Spiders, Cobwebs, Witches, and Zombies all come to mind. But, in reality if you have pest control (see Terminix above), these guys won’t bother you, but what is the scariest thing that can happen on Halloween? Well, if it is hot outside, which in many cases it can certainly still be hot in October, the scariest thing is not having AC. The idea of sleeping in the heat is scary enough to get you call Air Conditioning Ambulance.  However, if your AC is okay, hopefully you might remember this fun advertisement, and give them a call for maintenance.

Don’t Get Stuck Posting The Same Old Thing During Halloween

Social Media is a wonderful tool to get your message out to potential customers. But, you are not the only one doing it. Therefore, you have to stand out and be creative. Take a chance and push some boundaries with your videos and image posts. Customers are inundated with advertisements flying at them on Facebook, Twitter, and the Television. They have grown very good at just tuning it all out. However, if something is fun and unique, you can break through their barriers and reach your future customers. If you need some help with these creative ads, give a call at 504-888-5384. We would be happy to think outside the box and help promote your business….especially during Halloween.