What Are The Benefits of Blogging?

The blog is one of the most cost-effective business tools available for promotion a business. Blogging is basically the process of writing, posting, linking and sharing content on the internet. Blogging drives traffic to a website, establishes authority, provides SEO, and gives a business a voice on the internet. The internet is an unlimited source of information and resources. If a business is not using the advantages of the internet, then the business is losing out on many free advertising opportunities.

Benefits of website bloggingWhat Is A Blog?

A blog is an online journal or informational article describing or discussing a topic. There are more than 500 million blogs on the internet and millions of bloggers writing them. Individual Bloggers and even business blog about anything and everything.  You can blog about the different flavors of snoballs, you can blog about the benefits of a facial, you can even blog about the best workout exercises. The key is to choose a topic, write about it, and share it on your website, social media platforms, newsletters, and more.

Blogging & Advertising

Businesses rely on advertising to reach potential customers. Advertising can take many different forms including Television Commercials, Google Online Advertising, Social Media Advertising, Print, and of course Website Blogs. A blog is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to reach potential customers. Businesses use a website blog to describe services/products, promote sales, and even to describe how to use the products. A blog should also include photos and videos to further promote the business’ services or products. Once the information is added into a blog, a business can share it to Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, and every other social media platform. Not only does the blog help to connect a business to a relevant audience, but it also helps to boost traffic to the website and improve the search engine optimization of the website. The more frequent and the better quality blog posts that are created will lead to a higher chance of the business website getting discovered by the desired target audience. Great blogging makes a business look more credible which is especially important for new businesses. If you have a website, you should be blogging.


The most difficult part about blogging is that you have to actually do it to receive the benefits. Many businesses simply do not have the time to write blog articles because they are running their business. At Planetguide.com, we offer a variety of online advertising help for businesses, including blogging. If you are interested in learning more about our services, call us at 504-888-5384.